Episode Thirty One - Horse person

Sue has always liked animals more than people. And horses the most of all animals.

Her horses helped her get through a particularly tough time when she was working, studying, and living with her husband for a year after they'd separated.

If you love horses, this is definitely the episode for you. And if you don't - well, this might just convert you.

Show notes

Thank you to Sue, for having me out at her property to meet her horses. You can find photos of them here on the blog. And a huge thank you to Doug, her ex-husband, for introducing me to Sue!


Intro and outro music is by ProleteR: April Showers and Don’t Mean a Thing
Interstitial music -

  • Blue Dot Sessions: Borough, Calisson, Ranch hand

  • Sergey Cheremisinov: To Live

  • Chad Crouch: Grove Melody (Instrumental)

  • Kai Engel: Arctica, Lesicia

  • Tattooed Preacher: In the Dirt